What’s in a Name?

Sometimes the name of a street is influenced by that of a more major street nearby. The side street’s name may reflect a lack of creativity on its developer’s part, but such naming makes it easier for the public to remember what main street the side street is near.

Nobleshire Road, for example, sounds like it is near Noble Road, and it is. Elbon Road, surreptitiously, is its nearby thoroughfares’ name spelled backward. Incidentally, Woodview Road was once Noble Place.

Cedarbrook Road does not touch Cedar Road, but it is near it, between Cedar and Meadowbrook Boulevard. Picturesque ‘Cedarbrook,’ in fact, is the name of the tract.

Two of our Lanes-Hampshire and Overlook-cross or end (or is it start?) at our roads with names that match. Minor Park Road and Hyde Park Avenue come together in a small pocket of Cleveland Heights. Nearby Superior Park Drive is fairly close to Superior Road, as well as the municipally-owned parkland named for Mayor Cain.

Finally Oakridge Circle is an often-referred-to, but unofficial, name for the segment of Oakridge Drive, actually a cul-de-sac. It was Cleveland Heights’ first such street and our only one planned for houses around a circle.